Bookworm Benefits

Did you know your brain needs exercise, too? While it can’t run a mile or lift weights, you brain needs to exercise, and a great way to do just that is by reading. Just as physical exercise provides numerous health and wellness benefits for your body, reading provides amazing benefits for your mind. Even though…

When Your Nose Bleeds

The sight of blood is frightening for many people. This is why nosebleeds often cause panic. A fairly common condition, most nosebleeds aren’t reason for concern and can be remedied quickly and painlessly. Other nosebleeds may warrant a visit to the doctor. Anyone at any age can experience a nosebleed, but they occur most frequently…

What Color’s That Supposed to Be?

Frosting on a birthday cake, breakfast cereals, a bag of candy, your favorite cookies, a cup of yogurt, soft drinks, popsicles, those crunchy crackers, condiments, and even macaroni and cheese. Food dyes have found their way into almost every processed food you will find on grocery store shelves. For years, food-coloring additives have been accepted…

The Dos and Don’ts of Dieting

Wonder why you’re not losing weight when you’re trying so hard? What could you be doing wrong? Sometimes you think you’re doing all you can to lose weight, but there’s something holding you back. Maybe you were told to do the wrong thing, you’re going about it the wrong way, or you’re holding onto a…

If You’re Alive, Exercise!

Maybe in days gone by you had the energy and motivation to exercise. You may have even been a body builder or marathon runner. But for whatever reason, exercise fell by the wayside over the years and you slowly became more and more inactive. And your health has suffered from it. The good news is…

Oh Happy Day

You had to coax your teenager out of bed. Your son couldn’t find his shoes. Your husband needed his shirt ironed. You ran out of milk right when your daughter is ready to eat breakfast. Sound like a morning you’ve experienced? Getting everyone ready and out of the house on time can be a stressful…