A Cold Burn

Sure, the weather outside is frightful and the fire looks mighty delightful, but that’s no excuse to skip exercise this winter. While it may be tempting stay indoors where it’s warm, think of all the holiday calories that need to be burned! Why not burn even more of them by working out in the great…

Don’t Curb Curb Appeal

It won’t be long until the warm weather is back. Spring is the perfect time of year to not only spring clean the inside of your home, but to spruce up the outside as well. Adding curb appeal to your home involves small repairs to save you expensive fixes in the future and simple updates…

Living on the Edge

A disease involving how your body uses insulin and glucose, diabetes is on the rise—and you don’t want to be next! Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas to help break down and use the glucose (sugars) found in the food you eat. Glucose is what gives your body energy to function. The body…

What’s the Point?

It’s so easy to find an excuse not to exercise. You’re tired, don’t have enough time, don’t need to lose weight, or don’t look good in your workout clothes…the list could go on and on. Chances are, you’ve got your own list of excuses you’ve used a time or two. But what if you could…