Injury-Proof Your Shoulders

Until you suffer from a shoulder injury, it’s easy to take these joints for granted. Compared to other joints in your body, the shoulders are the most moveable thanks to the ligaments, tendons, and muscles that hold the shoulder in place. The large range of motion of the shoulders is beneficial for upper body movement,…

Organic: Worth the Cost?

Due to popular demand, grocery stores are offering more and more organic options. As you shop for food and make daily decisions about what to feed your family, you’ve probably asked yourself if you should buy organic. From produce, milk, and eggs, to packaged foods and meats, organic foods are obviously more expensive, but are…

Healing the Heart

Two became one and now they are two again. The break-up—no matter the reason—hurts. Whether you wanted to sign the papers or not, your heart is broken and you bear emotional scars. Is there hope for recovery and healing? It may take time, but there is hope. You’ll get through this and can come out…

Brown-Bag It

Going out to eat for lunch may be the popular thing to do at work. It’s convenient, so heading down the street to your favorite restaurant becomes part of your daily routine. But do you know how much money you could save if you brought your lunch from home? You could easily cut your lunch…

Creepy, Crawly Head Lice

They may be small, but lice leave a big impression. If you or a family member has ever had lice, you know how horrible the experience is. Without warning, they make a home in your hair, feeding on your blood and making life absolutely miserable. The itching, the thought of having bugs in your hair,…

On the Bench

Exercising with some sort of resistance, whether free weights, your own body weight, or weight machines, is important to increase your muscle mass, strengthen your bones, stay fit, and burn calories. One of the best places to do all three is your local gym bench. Several basic free weight and body weight exercises require the…

Weight Loss With the Web

In this digital day and age, you’re no longer alone in your journey to lose weight. You may be the only one in the house, but with access to the Internet you can find a wide range of resources to help reach your goal. Research has shown that certain Internet programs can be an effective…

Bedtime Battles Won

Trying to get the kids in bed, making them stay in bed, and finally getting them to sleep can be the most stressful part of a parent’s day. When it’s time for bed, the kids are hungry and thirsty, need a Band-aid for boo boos that miraculously appear on every limb, need a backrub, remember…

Long-Lasting Satisfaction

On the quest to lose weight, many people suffer through days of hunger and low energy—but they don’t have to. Feeling full doesn’t depend on how many calories you eat, but on the amount of food you eat. By choosing the right kinds of foods in the right combination, you can still eat a healthy…

Keeping Kids Safe on the Go

Fact: More than 80 percent of car seats are installed incorrectly. Here’s what you should know to ensure you’re in the safe and sound 20 percent.   Did you buy your child’s car seat from a yard sale? Is your rear-facing seat angled to the correct degree? Does the car seat rock a little when…