Weak in the Knees

Get a little bit older or put on some extra pounds and you’ll realize that knee problems can become a daily struggle. Simple everyday movements like walking or bending can become difficult and even painful for those with weak knees. Strong knees, on the other hand, while often overlooked, make a big difference in what…

A Cold Burn

Sure, the weather outside is frightful and the fire looks mighty delightful, but that’s no excuse to skip exercise this winter. While it may be tempting stay indoors where it’s warm, think of all the holiday calories that need to be burned! Why not burn even more of them by working out in the great…

What’s the Point?

It’s so easy to find an excuse not to exercise. You’re tired, don’t have enough time, don’t need to lose weight, or don’t look good in your workout clothes…the list could go on and on. Chances are, you’ve got your own list of excuses you’ve used a time or two. But what if you could…

Relief through Strength

An afternoon gardening, a morning spent playing ball, or even the simple movement of bending over to tie your shoes can trigger back pain. A very common problem, back pain is usually caused by overuse or muscle injury or strain. Pain that isn’t acute can often be treated with gentle exercises. Strengthening the abdominal, leg,…

If You’re Alive, Exercise!

Maybe in days gone by you had the energy and motivation to exercise. You may have even been a body builder or marathon runner. But for whatever reason, exercise fell by the wayside over the years and you slowly became more and more inactive. And your health has suffered from it. The good news is…

Get On the Running Road Again

Running. It’s one of the most popular exercises out there. A great way to burn calories, get in shape, and manage stress, running isn’t without its drawbacks. Each year, half of all runners can expect to face some sort of injury, usually in their feet, knees, hips, or legs. The repetitive movement of running and…

Injury-Proof Your Shoulders

Until you suffer from a shoulder injury, it’s easy to take these joints for granted. Compared to other joints in your body, the shoulders are the most moveable thanks to the ligaments, tendons, and muscles that hold the shoulder in place. The large range of motion of the shoulders is beneficial for upper body movement,…

On the Bench

Exercising with some sort of resistance, whether free weights, your own body weight, or weight machines, is important to increase your muscle mass, strengthen your bones, stay fit, and burn calories. One of the best places to do all three is your local gym bench. Several basic free weight and body weight exercises require the…

Weight Loss With the Web

In this digital day and age, you’re no longer alone in your journey to lose weight. You may be the only one in the house, but with access to the Internet you can find a wide range of resources to help reach your goal. Research has shown that certain Internet programs can be an effective…

Don’t Sweat It…Or Do

It may be gross, uncomfortable, smelly, and even embarrassing, but sweating is a completely normal and even healthy part of a healthy life. Damp underarms and drips of sweat from your forehead are expected and even needed during exercise or hot temperatures. Despite this, many of today’s cultures go to great lengths to avoid sweat…