Take Charge of Stress

When you think about your life right now, how would you rate your level of stress? 0–3: You’re relaxed, content, and feeling carefree. You’ve learned to effective ways to manage stress. 4–6: You have good days and bad. Some days you feel in control of the stress, other days you feel overwhelmed. 7–10: It’s time…

Don’t Curb Curb Appeal

It won’t be long until the warm weather is back. Spring is the perfect time of year to not only spring clean the inside of your home, but to spruce up the outside as well. Adding curb appeal to your home involves small repairs to save you expensive fixes in the future and simple updates…

Green Heat

With the rising costs of energy, more people are turning to alternative ways of heating their homes. No longer depending on high amounts of electricity, natural gas, or fuel oil, green options use eco-friendly energy that’s readily available in nature and can easily be converted into heat. If you are building a home or needing…

Bookworm Benefits

Did you know your brain needs exercise, too? While it can’t run a mile or lift weights, you brain needs to exercise, and a great way to do just that is by reading. Just as physical exercise provides numerous health and wellness benefits for your body, reading provides amazing benefits for your mind. Even though…

When Your Nose Bleeds

The sight of blood is frightening for many people. This is why nosebleeds often cause panic. A fairly common condition, most nosebleeds aren’t reason for concern and can be remedied quickly and painlessly. Other nosebleeds may warrant a visit to the doctor. Anyone at any age can experience a nosebleed, but they occur most frequently…

Oh Happy Day

You had to coax your teenager out of bed. Your son couldn’t find his shoes. Your husband needed his shirt ironed. You ran out of milk right when your daughter is ready to eat breakfast. Sound like a morning you’ve experienced? Getting everyone ready and out of the house on time can be a stressful…

Nice Convertible!

It’s the stuff of movies. The middle-aged dad loses it. He becomes dissatisfied with his job, his wife, and life in general, so he goes out and buys a new red convertible and has an affair. Not a pretty picture. It’s no wonder the phrase “midlife crisis” has taken on a negative connotation. But psychologists…

Healing the Heart

Two became one and now they are two again. The break-up—no matter the reason—hurts. Whether you wanted to sign the papers or not, your heart is broken and you bear emotional scars. Is there hope for recovery and healing? It may take time, but there is hope. You’ll get through this and can come out…

Creepy, Crawly Head Lice

They may be small, but lice leave a big impression. If you or a family member has ever had lice, you know how horrible the experience is. Without warning, they make a home in your hair, feeding on your blood and making life absolutely miserable. The itching, the thought of having bugs in your hair,…

Bedtime Battles Won

Trying to get the kids in bed, making them stay in bed, and finally getting them to sleep can be the most stressful part of a parent’s day. When it’s time for bed, the kids are hungry and thirsty, need a Band-aid for boo boos that miraculously appear on every limb, need a backrub, remember…